
Bay Oaks announces second annual 5th of July Beach Clean-up

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Bay Oaks Recreation Center Summer Hours

Beginning Monday, June 22, and continuing until August 29, Bay Oaks will be open to the public on the following days and times:

n Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 6 to 9 p.m.

n Saturday 3 to 6 p.m. for everyone; 6 to 10 p.m. for teen time

For more information visit our web site at or call the center at (239) 765-4222.

Summer Camp at Bay Oaks

Don’t let your child miss out on this fun filled summer opportunity, space is limited and filling fast. Summer camp runs from June 22 through August 14 for children ages 6 through 13. Camp hours are from 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday and cost only $60 per week, discounts available for those who apply on-line! Our camp includes many fun indoor and outdoor activities including, basketball, tennis, kayaking, fishing, arts and crafts, special guest speakers, field trips and more! Hurry and sign up today before it’s to late. Register on-line at or by phone at (239) 533-7440.

Summer Run for Fun Basketball at Bay Oaks!

Want to have some fun and improve your basketball skills at the same time? Get ready for fall leagues by improving your fundamental skills and abilities through organized drills and game situation experiences. Program runs for six weeks from June 30 through August 6 and meets every Tuesday and Thursday in the Bay Oaks Gym. The cost for this program is $20 per person and includes a t-shirt. All participants must pre-register at or by calling (239) 533-7440.

For more information about this program please call (239) 765-4222.

Acting at Bay Oaks Teens and Adults!

Adult Creative Acting

Ever wanted to try your hand at something fun and new? How about just improving your existing talents and abilities? Elizabeth D’onofrio will be instructing this class to help every one of all levels in the art of improvisation, scene study and cold readings along with many more fun and useful techniques. Classes meet Tuesday’s from 6 to 8pmfrom June 2nd through June 30th. The cost for this program is $100 per monthly session. Participants must pre-register at or by calling (239) 533-7440. For more information on this program visit

Teen Acting Program

This 6 week course is designed for the teens to young adults ages 10 to 18 wanting to have some fun and improve their acting skills and abilities. Classes run from June 13 through July 18 and cost $150 per student. Each class will introduce students to a new technique which will include improvisation, scene study and cold reading just to name a few. Participants must pre-register at or by calling (239) 533-7440. For more information on this program visit .

Beaches and Shoreline Happenings

Laughter Yoga Continues at Lynn Hall Park!

Come on out and join us for a laughing, good time. Program is free with paid parking and runs every Friday morning from 8 to 8:45 a.m. at the Lynn Hall Park playground. To learn more about Laughter Yoga go on-line to or call (239) 677-7017

Kids Kayaking Club

Explore the Shoreline by way of the Great Calusa Blueway!

Kayaking Kids will start at Bowditch Point daily and travel by vans to discover new sections of the Blueway each day. Activities will include basic instruction, paddling, hiking, swimming, water safety, crafts and games. Interpretive programs will also be presented at each session along the way. All equipment is included. Bring a hat, sunscreen, bag lunch, water bottle and be prepared to have fun!

Programs run from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily and are open for children ages 9 to 14. All participants must pre-register at or by calling (239) 533-7440. Program dates are June 29, 30 and July 1. The cost is $25 per session/day.

For more information on this program or any other beach program please call (239) 765-4222 or (239) 463-3764. For more paddling trail information, go to

Beach Parks & Shoreline Volunteers Needed

Are you interested in patrolling the shorelines for litter, debris, potential safety hazards or assisting park staff with exotic plant removal a few hours each week?If so, Bowditch Point Park and the shorelines to Lynn Hall Park are looking for you! Lee County Parks & Recreation Volunteer Applications are now being accepted. If you are interested in hearing more about how you too can enjoy volunteering on the shorelines and at Bowditch Point Park please call 463-3764.

2nd Annual 5th of July Entire Island Beach Clean-Up

Join the Fort Myers Beach Pilot Club, Town of Fort Myers Beach, Keep Lee County Beautiful, Lee County Parks & Recreation, Outrigger Beach Resort, Veolia Environmental Services, Fort Myers Beach Yacht Club, students, friends and family for an after-the-celebration, fun-in-the-sun clean up! The 2nd annual 5th of July Entire Island Beach Clean Up will be from 8 to 11 a.m. with staging areas located at the Outrigger Beach Resort, Newton Park and Bowditch Point Regional Park all on Fort Myers Beach and San Carlos Bay- Bunche Beach Preserve located on John Morris Road. Wear sun screen, bring water and a sense of humor for a great morning on the beach. For more information call Terry Cain at 707-3015