
2009 Grade 3 FCAT results released

2 min read

The results of the 2009 third-grade Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test were released recently by the Florida Department of Education. Reading and Math scores for Lee County Public Schools not only exceeded the state averages in both areas but indicated a significant gain in math achievement.

“The third-grade results on this year’s FCAT show that we are on the right track academically,” said Dr. James Browder, Superintendent of Schools. “This is great news, but we all know there’s much more to be done and we’re ready to continue helping all students achieve at the highest levels.”

The percentage of Lee County third-graders scoring in Levels 3-5 in math increased from 78 percent last year to 81 percent this year, which is greater than the state’s increase of 2 percent (rising to 78 percent.) The percentage of Lee County third-graders scoring in Levels 3-5 in reading decreased slightly from 77 percent last year to 76 percent, but it remains higher than the state average of 71 percent (which decreased by one percent this year.)

The 2009 data represent all students, including exceptional education students (ESE) and students who are English language learners (ELL). In the official State Accountability Report (school grading), scheduled to be released in July, the Department of Education will use the FCAT Level 3-5 percentages to grade schools, but will include only those students in the standard curriculum program (i.e. the ESE and ELL student-results will not be counted toward school grades).

The students who scored level one in reading will be given the opportunity to take the SAT10 Reading Comprehension in late May with the possibility of attending a summer reading program to improve their reading skills and assessed again at the end of this program. According to State law, these students will be retained in third grade unless they are eligible for promotion through Good Cause Exemptions.

Paper reports will be sent home as soon as the District receives the Individual Student Reports in early June. Parents with questions are asked to contact their child’s school.