
“Mickey Mania” on display this month at the Beach library

5 min read

Weekly Activities

nPreschool Story hour on Wednesday, May 6, at 10:30 a.m.

nKnitting session on Wednesday, May 6, at 6:30 p.m.

nJewelry Making class on Thursday, May 7, at 10:30 a.m.

Activity Details

Early summer is a welcome time to enjoy Story hour with the little ones; this week on May 6. A session devoted to reading treasured children’s stories followed by a craft activity is scheduled every week Wednesday.

Knitters had so much fun in recent months that the group is continuing through the summer and fall. Meeting the first and third Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m., this is a time for experienced knitters to enjoy knitting time, and a grand time for those beginning a project or learning this growing-in-popularity craft. They meet this week on May 6.

Those who’d enjoy making jewelry can try their hand on May 7 in making a bracelet or anklet out of cultured pearls or colored gemstone beads. Artist Carrie Hill will offer hands-on directions. Pre-registration and $10 materials fee are needed.

Upcoming Activities

A special session devoted to card making is scheduled for Thursday, May 14 at 10:30 a.m. Carole Vasterling, who has a knack for adding that special unique touch to cards, will offer ideas and materials. Pre-registration and $3 materials fee are needed. For those who can’t make it this month, mark your calendar for the next session on June 11.

If you’ve not been to a book discussion, come to the Book Discussion Group on Tuesday, May 19 at 10:30 a.m. It is common to hear participants comment that they enjoy a particular book even more after hearing others insights into the work, or rather frequently, get encouragement to either start the title or continue reading after hearing others talk about their experience of the work. The group is smaller during the summer months so a perfect time to wean out a deeper experience of a book. On May 19, the group will consider “Plainsong” by Kent Haruf. If you haven’t read this author, add a new experience. And even more, see what a book discussion can add to a book’s read.

Artist of the Month

Beach resident and artist Carrie Hill treats us this month to a selection of sketches conveying a sense of the mystical. The collection is edged with two large ink works blending the world of sunshine & beach with the Camelot call to serenity. As some of us see the Beach as a place of paradise and serenity, this blending finds a welcome home. Others sketches capture glimpses into the classical world as well as views into modern day life.

As you digest the sketches, think of the patient hand and soul that can linger hours in the placement of ink, particularly the lighter areas contrasted with the more heavy ones. There is much to enjoy here.

Mickey Display

Some of us will recall the Mickey Mania Parade held at the Magic Kingdom between 1994-1996, kicking off the 25th anniversary celebration at the Kingdom. More than 100 performers dressed in Mickey-ized costumes and themes showcased Mickey as seen in merchandise, movies and theme parks from all over the world.

The display at the top of the stairs on the second floor this month features “Mickey Mania,”,offering an assortment of household items with Mickey-ized features. One can truly delight in both the variety and the ingenuity of the creators. The display comes through the kindness of Beach resident and library staff member, Faith Ann McNear. You’ll see a clock (actually keeping time), the Mickey with ears emblem for the automobile, and many other items. Stop and let yourself soak in these Mickey delights.

Travel Titles

The travel guides and trip related materials found in the 910s have been moved from their usual location on the second floor to a range near the middle of the rows of stacks. We are getting ready to add many new titles in this collection which will also be displayed on new gondolas. As one change often affects other items, we have made this temporary change in location until the new titles and new shelving are in place.


We need a helping hand on Thursdays from 9 to 1 to help shelf returned items. We also need subs that can be called when another volunteer can’t make their regular shift. If you can assist, please complete a volunteer application available at the front desk.


On the new non-fiction shelves, look for “The Best Life Ain’t Easy, Buy It’s Worth It” (277.308 KID). Reviewer Jerry Jenkins, of the Left Behind series, referred to it as “an old-fashioned story that reads like a novel” and that description is apt.

The author Virelle Kidder is a Florida resident in Sebastian, FL and lives there with husband Steve. They have four grown children and eight grandchildren. She’s an author you can get to know as she also have a website,, where she encourages communication, notes, prayers, etc. You’ll also sense her seeing the half glass that is full. After a traumatic experience that would test the best of us, she writes, “Even when God allows a bucket of cold water in our face, He still loves us and His nature has not changed. I can trust Him to dry me off and walk me through the mess” (p. 97).

Library Hours

Don’t remember library hours? Call for information. When we are closed, a recorder gives the hours of operation, either on 765-8162, or on 765-8163. Except for holidays, which would be mentioned on the recorder, we are open Monday and Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m., Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Saturday 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. We look forward to seeing you.