FMB Fire Control announces new voice line numbers
The Fort Myers Beach Fire Control District has announced a change in all voice line telephone numbers in its fire stations and administration building.
By utilizing a new phone system, the district will save money over the next 10 years by reducing reoccuring communication costs. The changes will streamline communications between personnel stationed throughout the district.
The new system also offers increased capabilities during times of extreme emergencies. In cases of Emergency Operations Center activation, all district phone lines can be pooled into the EOC.
Here are the new numbers:
n Administration (239) 590-4200
n Fire prevention (239) 590-4242
n Fire station #31 (239) 590-4231
n Fire station #32 (239) 590-4232
n Fire station #33 (239) 590-4233
For more information, please contact the public information office at (239) 590-4200 ext. 3013.