
Democrats…Playing with fire.

2 min read

To the editor:

The far left loons in Washington are turning America upside down and laughing at the voters who were tricked in the November elections.

There is little doubt that if the anti-American garbage relative to what has benn characterized as prisoner torture is not stopped, America will be laughed at around the world.

Factually, was is hell; we were attacked Sept. 11, 2001, and we’re dealing with murderous wackos who are determined to kill democracy. President Bush kept us safe following 9/11 and now -instead of praising the oustanding job- the ideoligical nuts are taking the position that methods that served this purpose were wrong and those that saved us should be punished. The Pelosi witch hunt has only served to energize the un-American ACLU and the vindictive NY Times, and we’re left with resources being used to play with the past…instead of helping with the enormous today and tomorrow considerations.

Finally, the United States, the greatest nation the world has ever seen which is in this position because of capitalism as our foundation, is heading towards absolute socialism. Years ago, the Russian Premier said “let them twist slowly towards a socialist society and communism will eventually replace capitalism.”

Anyone who believes that a young and inexperienced president or a Nancy Pelosi or a NY Times “pin-head” or the ACLU knows more about interrogation than the experts at the CIA is dead wrong and helping to set us up for another 9/11 disaster. Let’s stop the dopey debates and concentrate on protecting Americans.

Dick Kalfus

Cape Coral