
“Congressional Shame” says reader

1 min read

To the editor:

Talk about nothing, useless, worthless, talking heads. It’s the Democratic Congress that wins the prize.

This Congress, a democratic majority, in two years has done absolutely nothing but babble…and has an approval rating in the teens, the lowest in history.

Actually, when we picture the likes of Barney Frank, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, any thinking person finds himself tempted to dive under the bed and assume a fetal position.

It’s unreasonable to think that this leadership trio of clowns will solve anything, fix anything or put American back on track. This is the group that led the charge to get us inot this pickle and now they stand before the American people, point fingers and act as if their job and their responsibility is to talk. No action. No solutions. No nothing…just talk.

America will not be able to solve its problems until poliricians stop pointing fingers. Stop conducting themselves in a pompous and arrogant way. Stop making private deals behind our backs. And start acting like honest, dedicated, sincere public servants.

Dick Kalfus

Cape Coral