Just call Lee or Dennis or send a check to the Fort Myers Beach Civic Association, P.O."/>
Just call Lee or Dennis or send a check to the Fort Myers Beach Civic Association, P.O."/>
Just call Lee or Dennis or send a check to the Fort Myers Beach Civic Association, P.O." />

Civic group announces 4th of July parade

2 min read

Come join the the Fort Myers Beach Civic Association’s second annual Fourth of July parade.

Entering the parade is easy. Just call Lee Melsek at 470-3407 or Dennis Boback at 462-8798 and we’ll get you signed up. The entry fee for non-profit organizations is $20 and for $40 for businesses.

The Civic Association is also accepting donations to help pay parade expenses this year. You can be a Friend of the Fourth of July Parade” for whatever you can donate.

Just call Lee or Dennis or send a check to the Fort Myers Beach Civic Association, P.O. Box 2356, Fort Myers Beach Fla., 33932.

So far we have three business sponsors – The Surf Club, The Beached Whale and Charlie’s Boathouse. If you’d like to add your business as a sponsor just call Lee or Dennis. You’ll get your business name on our parade t-shirts and tank tops and in all of our pre- and post-parade stories in Tidelines, the Beach Observer and The News-Press.

Our inaugural parade last year had 58 entries and we’re hoping for even more this year. So come on, dress up the car, truck, boat or even bikes and get in the parade.

he parade begins at 10 a.m. on the Fourth of July and will proceed north along Estero Boulevard to Times Square. It’s the kickoff to a big holiday fun day capped off by the super fireworks show just after dark at the county park. It’s Southwest Florida’s most spectacular fireworks shows and has been a big hit since the 1950s.