Beach art association awards local students

The Fort Myers Beach Art Association -sponsored by The Town of Fort Myers Beach- awarded prizes and scholarships to area art students at the reception held at their gallery on Donora street.
Chairman Patty Kane gave special thanks to teachers, Ava Roeder, Tim Smith, Patricia Bonwell, Carolyn Gora and Alyssa Davis for their support in presenting the show which highlights the students work over the past year. Seniors going on to study art as a major were elibible to win scholarships toward their education.
First place scholarship winner was Kat Wilson, a senior at Cypress Lake High School Center for the Arts. She will be attending Savanna College of Art and Design to major in Graphic Design and minor in Fibers. Kat has a great deal of experience in creating , displaying and even judging the various art forms. She has always been involved with art in some way starting with assisting her mother with her ceramic work.
Other scholarships went to Jamie Paul, second place; Juan Morales, third place; Carissa Hayden, merit award and alternate winner; and Scott Mitchell, honorable mention.
Cypress Lake Middle School Awards went to: first place- Coleman Hurley; second place- Lukas Smith; third place- Courtney Bostwick; and honorable mentions- Kelsey Zablackas, Brittany Sibert and Amber Townsend
Beach Elementary School Awards went to: kindergarten-Daniela Santiago-Pimental; first grade-Riley Monahan; second grade-Summer Johnson; third grade-Riley Musante; forth grade-Cedrick Farmer; fifth grade-Travis Redenius.
Special thanks to sponsors Town of Fort Myers Beach, Publix Super Markets and JoAnn Crafts.
The summer hours at the gallery: Wedesdays and Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. For more information call 463-3909 or visit the website at
Painters will continue to meet on Wedesdays and Thursdays during the summer. A summer show will hang until October when the regular season begins. Check out the web site for upcoming workshops for 2009/2010.