Alzheimer – a leading health issue
To the editor:
As the baby-boom generation reaches retirement, Alzheimer’s is rapidly becoming a leading health issue for all Americans While there is no cure for the disease, HBO recently aired documentaries called The Alzheimer Project that showed that there is reason to be optimistic about the future. These documentaries took a closer look at discoveries made by the country’s leading scientists, as well as the effects of this fatal disease both on those with Alzheimer’s and on their families.
Families coping with Alzheimer’s disease in our county should know that they are not alone. The Alzheimer’s Association – Florida Gulf Coast Chapter is here to assist and support persons with dementia and families through 24/7 confidential helpline, care consultations, caregiver training, Safe Return program, support groups, emergency respite care assistance, memory screening, and many other services.
For more information, call our local office at 800-772-8672 or go online at For more information on the Alzheimer’s Project go to
Catherine Cruikshank, Regional Program Director
Alzheimer’s Association – Florida Gulf Coast Chapter
Fort Myers