
Yoga instructor offers thanks/laughs

1 min read

To the editor:

I’d like to thank The Fort Myers Beach Observer and The Beach Bulletin for the generous weekly coverage of our Free Laughter Club at Lynn Hall Park. Over 200 visitors and locals have shared the spirit of laughter since early January.

Despite some chilly, winter Friday mornings on the sand, everyone proved to be real troopers arriving before 8 a.m. Many will be returning home to look for a club in their hometowns.

The staff of the Lee County Parks and Recreation are to be commended as well. Without their support this event would not have been as successful. Thank you Kathy Cahill and Vicki Little. With two new volunteer leaders – Debbie Dunlap and Jeanette Bevilacaqua – the Fort Myers Beach Laughter Club will now be offered every Friday morning at 8 a.m. year round.

Ho ho ha ha ha!

Meg Scott

Fort Myers