
Volunteers clean beach at 2009 Earth Day Trash Bash

2 min read

The Spring Trash Bash/Earth Day Celebration was held Saturday, April 18, at the Beach Elementary School with approximately 100 individuals volunteering to help clean Fort Myers Beach. While the number of participants was less than the Fall Cleanup, many found much to pick up on the beach – the usual bottles, cups, butts, and many types of paper.

The “clothesline art” was displayed on the school fence and the winners were posted for all to see. Gift cards were presented to the winners of the art contest Monday during the ice cream party at the school. The Pilot Club and Publix treats all student participants to the party each year.

The following students were given their awards this Monday.

Kindergarten: 1st Place-Grace Piccirillo; 2nd Place-Riley Catlett; 3rd Place -Patrick Walke.

First grade: 1st Place-Gabriella Owen; 2nd Place-Logan Musante; 3rd Place-Juliet Griffith.

Second grade: 1st Place-Bridget Myers; 2nd Place-Hunter Borman; 3rd Place-Jordan Aguilera.

Fourth Grade: 1st Place-Madison Tezak; 2nd Place-Cedrick Farmer; 3rd Place-Matt Weber.

Fifth grade: 1st Place-Kelsey Collins; 2nd Place-Martina Mausser; 3rd Place-Natalie Coveleski.

“The Earth is Our Home” is the theme of each work.

Keep Lee County Beautiful (KLCB) and the Pilot Club of Fort Myers Beach jointly sponsor two cleanups per year. The Fall Coastal Cleanup is held in September and the Spring Trash Bash is held with the Earth Day Celebration in April.