SFWMD offers grant for water-saving technologies
The South Florida Water Management District has announced that applications for its Water Savings Incentive Grant are due Thursday, April 23.
Current drought conditions underscore the need to use water wisely.
As part of continued conservation efforts, the SFWMD is offering funds through its Water Savings Incentive Program – WaterSIP – to help pay for water-saving technologies.
Eligible applicants include cities, public utilities and water providers, homeowners associations, schools and commercial facilities. Individual residences are not eligible.
Last year, the District invested $227,861 in ten projects on the Lower West Coast, which includes Lee, Collier and Hendry counties. Estimated water savings total 33.21 million gallons per year.
Those interested in applying for the water savings grant can check out the WaterSIP application www.sfwmd.gov/conserve or call the Water Conservation hotline at 1-800-662-8876.