
Resident is unhappy over April Fool joke/opinion

1 min read

Stupid is as stupid does come to mind after reading the latest opinions from Jay Light’s self-indulging commentary. Maybe Mr. Light should put his money where his mouth is and buy out all the beach-front property owners and donate the land to the government for parking lots and roadways. Better yet, he could start by donating his own property first. I’m sure he wouldn’t mind.

As he suggested in his recent foolish babblings, we should spend billions on a new barrier island and cruise ship channels to help increase tourism on the beach at the expense of the environment, What qualifications does Mr. Light have as a representative of the marine task force committee to make such outlandish statements? Perhaps this was why the last town council didn’t want Mr. Light on any of the town’s committees. I know everyone is entitled to their opinion; it’s just that not everyone wants to hear his.

David Tezak

Fort Myers Beach