PTO president praises community
To the editor:
Thank you so much Fort Myers Beach. This community raised over $10,000 for our Beach Elementary School at the PTO Golf Tournament Saturday.
Thanks to all the players for your generosity, support, patience and great sense of humor. Thanks to the businesses for the donations. Thanks to the parents, teachers and staff at Beach school for all their hard work putting this event together. Thanks to the community volunteers for working their tails off at the tournament and to the staff at the Fort Myers Beach Golf Course for their help.
This was definitely a community effort and again our island rocked! A special thank you goes out to our wonderful young students who work hard to keep Beach Elementary an A+ school year after year. You are all special and you all make this island proud. I can’t think of anything more important than supporting your educational needs. You are the wave of the future!
Tracey Gore
PTO President