Mothers/Daughters dance with the stars
The Beach United Methodist Church will host its tenth annual celebration of Mother’s Day Thursday, May 7, with a party in the theme of “Dancing with the Stars.”
The celebration will be in keeping with the Psalmist’s admonition “Let them praise his name with dancing” (Psalm 149:03).
The event does not focus on biology. All area women and visitors are invited to arrange friendly duos or combos and get their tickets immediately. Tickets are $10 and available while they last from the church office at 463-9656; or from Lisa Grinter at 481-2531; or from Mildred Howarter at 437-9790. A light but tasty meal including a luscious dessert will be served before the program.
In keeping with the theme “Dancing with the Stars,” the evening program will feature Rita Keltner as she reports on her experience stepping outside the box to develop a dance routine for a recent Red Cross fundraiser.
Also appearing will be Queen Kyomo, a native of Tanzania, who will challenge women to think of cultures around the world. An accomplished dancer and fitness trainer, a track and field champion, and a benefactor of children, the government of her native country issued a postage stamp in honor of Kyomo.
To give or receive further information, please call Grinter or Howarter.