
Fort Myers center hosts water restoration workshop

1 min read

The first phase of the River of Grass restoration project planning is under way with a series of Issues Workshops being conducted at various locations throughout the South Florida Water Management District.

The Phase 1 planning process will determine viable configurations for constructing a managed system of water storage and treatment to support ecosystem restoration efforts.

On April 16 and 17, workshops will be held at the Lower West Coast Service Center in Ft. Myers to solicit input from the public. Information generated through these planning workshops will be utilized by the governing board to support decision making related to the land acquisition and will provide the basis for more detailed future planning phases.

For the most up-to-date information on the acquisition, the SFWMD has a dedicated Web site at This site is a comprehensive repository for acquisition-related materials including: news releases, fact sheets, presentations, photos and videos, Q & A’s, news, articles, resolutions, letters and proposals.