FMB Yacht Club sets meeting
The monthly meeting of the Fort Myers Beach Yacht Club -founded 1953 and consisting of over 100 members- will be held Wednesday, May 27 at the American Legion Post 274 on San Carlos Island at 899 Buttonwood Dr.
Dinner will be catered and is available for $14 per person. Social hour begins at 6, dinner at 6:50, guest speaker at 7:40 and the membership meeting is from 8 to 9 p.m.
Guest speaker will be Ms Heather Stafford, manager of the Estero Bay Aquatic Preserve, Florida Department of Environmental Protection. She will address the new no-motor zones, sometimes referred to as “pole & troll” zones.
Potential new members wishing to attend any or all portions of the meeting are invited to call Membership Chairperson Karen Swanbeck for reservations and additional information, 239-292-6285. You may also learn more about our club from our web site at