
Beach Baptist raises funds at Mission Haiti rummage sale

2 min read

Have a heart for those less fortunate? The average Haitian survives on about $10 a week. Being the poorest nation in the western hemisphere many live on one meal a day.

Led by First Baptist Church of Fort Myers Beach missions and Youth Pastor Dr. Bob Brumley, Mission Haiti began 18 months ago when Dr. Bob visited the Baptist Haiti Mission in Fermathe, Haiti which operates 360 schools and houses a primitive 100 bed hospital. Since then Dr. Bob has made seven more trips. Last month a group of ten from Beach First Baptist including four youth, ages 9-15 visited Haiti. Their efforts ranged from painting projects to delivering food boxes and blankets to needy Haitian families.

Beach First Baptist Youth now sponsor three Haitian children with other Beach First Baptist sponsorships bringing the total sponsored by the Beach First Baptist Family to thirteen. The twenty five dollar monthly sponsorships provide the families food and books, tuition and school uniforms for the sponsored child.

Additional mission trips are planned for 2009 with the main trip planned for November.

The rummage sale on Saturday April 18, at 8 a.m. is a fundraiser to help defray trip costs and to raise funds to cover sponsorships for families in need. Bring family and friends to Beach First Baptist at the corner of Connecticut and Estero Boulevard and save money by purchasing these previously owned household items and help extend God’s Hand to the Haitian poor.