The Artificial Beach Easement Fiasco
To the editor:
For at least a half dozen years, Lee County has run a high powered Public Relations Program to sell our beach residents on the idea that they should to sign over easements for DOUBLING the beach size of 4.6 miles of our island.
County acknowledges that this new, artificial beach will erode away and be gone in 7 years. You are left with dunes on your current property.
Now, at least 15% of ALL of the owners have rescinded their easements
This means that more than 50% of the PRIVATE property owners nix the county’s efforts to double the size of our beaches and throw in dunes.
Those who rescinded their easements are now targetted.
They are told that they can control the dune from spreading. Under current town law …..not true!
The small plantings officials currently describe, were done at the Gull Wing condominium.
In a few years they are now taller than a person!! A dune crossover bridge had to be constructed per town requirements. Go see for yourself!! Talk is cheap!!
Moreover, there is NO ACTUAL VEGETATION PLAN signed off by town, county, and Florida DEP. No vegetation plan is approved by governments.
The county’s beach recreational needs are a big need of Lee County.
Page 11 of the county/town proposed Artificial Beach agreement says: “….88% of the benefits are for recreation.”
The current easement vote of most of the private owners says pretty clearly that they themselves do not need more recreation!!
Private owners are concerned about cost.
The cost for installing the required 100,000 to 200,000 dune plants are the responsibility of the town. Where is that money coming from? Plants aren’t cheap. If they die, YOU have to replace.
Town offered a maximum of $600,000 for the project, but wanted to spend $400,000 for “betterments” to find ways to fix and prevent erosion. County took the million dollars and nixed the new technology for erosion control!!
And county even wants the town to talk to them forking over more money, if county over runs the costs!
Does anyone know the town’s cost now or in 7 years to replace the sand that is all gone, AS PROJECTED?
Easement signers who disagree with more taxes or dunes spreading across their beach can ask to rescind their easement. via a rescinding letter. Include your STRAP number and the property address for the property owner with the letter signed by all property owners. Send by certified mail to:
Mr. Steve Boutelle, Division of County Lands, P.O. Box 398, Ft. Myers, Florida 33902-0398