Response to angered business owner regarding parking lot attendee
To the Editor:
I would like to respond to Patti Forlano regarding her unhappiness with the parking lot at seafarers mall. I find it amusing that she can make such a harsh judgment of me considering we have never met. The only part of her article that is factual is that I did terminate Randy Williams and sad to say it seems that she is the only one that seems to miss him.
Randy was only terminated after numerous complaints from business owners as well as parking attendees of his harassing behavior and extremely vulgar language. I would like to ask Ms Forlano if Randy is this great guy why did it take five officers to remove him from the property, and I had to get a restraining order against him because he kept threatening all of my hotel workers. And that can be verified. And in Mr. Frank Burns defense he is not the owner so before you criticize someone get your facts straight. Mr. Frank Burns is the brother of the owner and had nothing to do with terminating Mr. Williams.
I do have to admit that since this new person has taken over the parking has been much cleaner and we have had far less customer complaints. And the parking revenue has increased 50 percent so what does that tell you. As for your comment on me being an insecure person nothing could be further from the truth. And I am glad to say my existence does not depend on what you might think of me considering we have never met.
Judy Coleman