Lahaina Island provides vacationers with free DVDs
Barb Garfold, owner of Lahaina Island Accommodations in Fort Myers Beach, has signed on to a new trend in entertainment – the automated DVD kiosk. Stocked with new and popular movie titles available to each guest free of charge, Garfold says this is an added value for her vacation rental clients.
“Our clients are delighted with this service,” said Garfold. “Many of the vacationers stop in for a new movie every day that they are here. They don’t have to wait in line; there is great availability of the newest releases; and it’s free.”
Started by a firm in Illinois, more than 9,365 kiosks have been installed nationwide, and Lahaina Island Accommodations is the exclusive location on Fort Myers Beach.
Lahaina Island Accommodations, dedicated entirely to vacation and seasonal rentals, offers more than 155 fully furnished, privately owned luxury condominiums and homes on Fort Myers Beach. With years of experience in financial and organizational management, Barb and Paul Garfold are committed to providing homeowners with property care and quality control, and providing vacationers with an outstanding experience.
For more information call toll free 1-866-626-5260 or 239-314-0444, or visit the website