
Beach United Methodist women focus on information technology

2 min read

“What does technology offer to our community of United Methodist Women?” is the question that will be considered at the Thursday, April 2 meeting of the Beach unit of United Methodist Women in Fellowship Hall at 9:30 a.m.

Leading the presentation will be JoAnn Eeten assisted by Joan Birmingham, Rose Black – mission coordinator for membership, Barbara Hays, Betty Suprosky and others. The meeting will feature a fellowship time hosted by Shirley Durbin and JoAnn Eeten. In addition, Black and Joan Maupin, treasurer, will greet and assist with registration.

At 10 a.m., president Lisa Grinter will call the meeting to order. Julie Wenger and the UM-WISE will lead a meditation after which the program on technology will begin. In keeping with the opportunities lifted up in the program, the prayer and self-denial offering will be received. The program’s concluding activity appropriate for the Lenten season will be The Water Ceremony led by Lu Burkell, Barbara Cantley, and others.

During the business meeting, ideas from the district’s Day Apart will be shared along with other reports. Information will be available regarding the Mission Education Seminar to which all women are invited on

May 2 at Carlson Memorial UMC in LaBelle.

All women are welcome. One need not be a United Methodist in order to attend. To give or receive further information, phone 481-2531 or 437-9790.