
Bay Oaks health and safety fair

2 min read

Bay Oaks Recreation Center and the Kiwanis Club of Ft. Myers Beach has teamed up to offer an informative public awareness health and safety fair.

Saturday, March 7th from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Bay Oaks Recreation Center.

The 20th Annual Health and Safety Fair is scheduled for Saturday, March 7th from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Bay Oaks Recreation Center.

This free community fair has something to offer all ages, with many health care & safety professionals featured. They will provide free health screenings, samples, tests and services along with the latest trends and state of the art health care & safety information. Door prizes will be given away throughout the day. Featured exhibitors include

NAMI of Lee County, Health and Harmony Center, Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission, Lee County Health Department – STD/HIV Awareness, Visiting Nurses Association of SW Florida, Meg Scott – Laughter Yoga, Area Agency on Aging for SWFL, Snead Cataract, Fort Myers Beach Public Library, Deaf Service Center, Dr. Nicole Bennett, Lee County Elections Office, American Cancer Society, Audibel Hearing Centers, Alvin A. Dubin Alzheimer’s Resource Center, Lee Memorial Blood Center, Eye Centers of Florida, Hope Hospice & Community Services, Fort Myers Beach Fire Control, Lee County Health Department – Tobacco Prevention, AAA, Armando’s Day Spa, Florida Department of Financial Services, Hammerhead Beach Gym, SHARE CLUB, Kathie Cleland, Women’s Smoking Cure, Lee County Emergency Management, Lee County Health Department – Diabetes/Heart Disease, Florida Department of Transportation , Costco, Susan G. Komen of SWFL, Senior Friendship Center, Harris Dermatology, Family Health Centers of SWFL.

Any exhibitors wishing to join the health fair, please contact Shay Thomas at (239) 765.4222 for registration information or visit