
Fire and drums at Art Walk last Friday

1 min read
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Christar and her drumming crew captivated the audience twirling and spinning flame engulfed batons, staffs and ropes. Background music sounded from several types of drums including bongos and gongs. Photo provided by Chelsea Birczak.

Located on the corner of Colonial and McGregor, just outside the River District, the Alliance for the Arts participates in Art Walk Fort Myers by sponsoring sidewalk performers. This past Friday, Feb. 6, gallery-goers gathered outside Patio DeLeon for a heart-pounding sizzling performance by Christar Damiano.

Christar and her drumming crew captivated the audience twirling and spinning flame engulfed batons, staffs and ropes. Background music sounded from several types of drums including bongos and gongs.

The fine art of fire dancing is unlike any conventional artistic practice. Do not miss the next performance March 6, 2009 located in front of Patio DeLeon, sponsored by the Alliance for the Arts.

The Alliance for the Arts proudly supports the artists and arts organizations in our area as the state designated Local Arts Agency for Lee County. The Alliance for the Arts galleries are open from 9 to 5 Monday through Friday and from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturdays, at 10091 McGregor Blvd., just south of Colonial Boulevard.

Visit for more details of all the excitement our community has to offer.