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Beach Library Expansion details explained

By Staff | Dec 29, 2010

Weekly Activities

– Preschool Story Hour for children on Wednesday, Dec. 29, at 10:30 a.m.

– We are closed Friday, Dec. 31, New Year’s eve, and Saturday, Jan. 1, New Year’s day.

Activity Details

There’s a lot scheduled in January. Feel free to pick up a monthly schedule of activities at the front desk. Many of the activities are also detailed in posters on the bulletin board near the front entrance.

Upcoming Activities

On Tuesday, Jan. 4 at 10:30 a.m., Carol Lipszyc’s shares narrative readings and blends prose and flow of words/music to make this a memorable time.

Knitters and needlework crafters gather Wednesday, Jan. 5 at 6:30 p.m.

Ecological interpreter Dorothy Rodwell explores the relationship between people and plants on Thursday, Jan. 6 at 10:30 am.

Find out about popular social networking sites, topics and reasons people join on Thursday, Jan. 6 at 1:30 p.m. Pre-register early.


What does the expansion include? May I start this week and continue in each of next four weeks to include more details as to what is involved? The expansion will include a community room that provides space to have classes, presentations and seminars with attendance up to 110 people. This Wednesday we had 35 for the children’s holiday special in the Conference Room, and it would have been helpful to have more capacity. One woman was so kind as to keep her little one in a stroller elsewhere though we’d have welcomed all being together. The community room is being designed so it can be divided into two to permit two smaller groups or activities at the same time. This community room adjoins an area populated with chairs and small tables wherein people can socialize, visit, wait for a presentation, or enjoy a chat or use the cell phone or have Wi-Fi access. Nearby is a copy area so that if copying is needed or a fax needs to be sent it can done. This copy center is providing convenience and enables copies to be made (something a part of many libraries for decades) and also permits faxes to be sent. The Friend’s bookstore is being relocated here. Having the Friend’s bookstore as part of the library is anticipated to increase its use, and since The Friends are paying no rent the proceeds to the library will increase. Some are thinking a regular bookstore is being added but that is not the situation. To be continued

After so many years of working on the library expansion project, it is surprising to read about some comments, either that this is not the economic environment in which to build or that the expansion is not needed. To non-users of the library, it is hard to visualize what actually happens. Even someone who assesses on limited visits cannot often see the whole picture.

Library Hours

Don’t remember library hours? Call for information. When we are closed, a recorder gives the hours of operation, either on 765-8162 or on 765-8163. We look forward to seeing you.