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FMB soccer youth soccer sign ups

By Staff | Jul 28, 2009

Fort Myers Beach Youth Soccer Club has announced registratrion sign-up dates for August at Bay Oaks Recreational Campus. They are as follows:

n Friday, Aug. 14, 4 to 7 p.m.

n Saturday, Aug. 15, 9 to 11 a.m.

Child must be between the ages of 417 as of July 31, 2009 to participate within the league. The season begins by the end of August. Email questions to fmbsoccer@embarqmail.com.

The soccer league also will be having an open annual general meeting for all parents, coaches and volunteers on Aug. 4 at 6:30 p.m. at Bay Oaks in the Fort Myers Beach Little League Board Room. Its purpose is to elect a board, seek volunteering within the league (i.e. coach, team parent, etc.) and discuss the upcoming season. All are invited to attend to ask questions or submit ideas.

Team, equipment and child sponsorships are available. If you are a business owner or individual who would like to sponsor a team or child, please either attend the registration or send an email for a sponsor form. Team sponsorship is $250; equipment sponsorship is $125; and player sponsorship is $60.

Cost: $60 first child; $40 for each sibling (cash, check or money order).

Please bring a copy of your child’s birth certificate and a small photo of any children who are currently age 8 or older.

Website: www.fmbsoccer.com

Email: fmbsoccer@embarqmail.com