
Parasailing: For a bird’s eye view

2 min read

Looking for some fun and a bit of adventure this summer? Try taking a parasailing trip in the air above Fort Myers Beach.

Imagine soaring high above the shores, feeling the wind in your face and smelling the fresh, salty spray of the sea.

Not only does parasailing give thrill-seekers a wild ride, but also an exhilarating one for those not afraid of heights.

While some may find parasailing to be relaxing, others may enjoy the sensation of flying.

Parasailing’s roots can be traced back to the 1960s, when already existing parachutes were attached to a car. It was a cheaper way to teach parachuters and sky divers, raising them to a particular height and then let them free. In those days, the method was called “parascending.”

There are two ways to get your jollies while parasailing, either by land or by sea.

Most land-based parasailing takes place by being pulled behind a Jeep, or some other sport utility vehicle, while aquatic parasailing usually involves a powerboat.

Land-based parasailing has been formed into a type of competition sport in Northern Europe, especially Finland.

The competitions consist of two parts, dropping a parasailer to a target and accuracy in the landing.

Aquatic parasailing is primarily an amusement ride, dazzling fans across any watery coast.